State-of-the-art performance using 90% less annotated data

Quickly fine-tune and deploy models carefully pre-trained on datasets that are relevant to your computer vision use cases.

Cutting-edge performance on highly specific computer vision tasks

Great A.I. products are much more than the models they rely on. We believe developers should be able to spend their time solving problems and building amazing experiences for their users, rather than collect and process large datasets, or sit through long hours waiting for their models to train.

Kaepler offers a variety of feature extractors, pre-trained on high-quality datasets that were curated for specific use cases to ensure the highest performance for your applications.

Instance Segmentation of 360° footage using
Kaepler’s 360° person detection (left) vs. Facebook’s Detectron2 (right)

How it works

We collected high-quality data and carefully pre-trained state-of-the-art models on various use cases so that you don’t have to.


Browse detailed use cases and select the model that corresponds to your needs.


Fine-tune the model for your desired task on a few data samples.


Generate ready-to-use API endpoints and deploy in production.

Our Team

Trouni Tiet

Co-founder & CEO

Yann Le Guilly

Co-founder & CTO

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